Senators praise role of Pandits in the U.S – A report by India Abroad July 3, 1998

Senators praise role of Pandits in the U.S – A report by India Abroad July 3, 1998

Senators praise role of Pandits in the U.S – A report by India Abroad July 3, 1998

Reflecting the growing recognition in Washington of the plight of Kashmiris Pandits influential democrat from Ohio and members of the India Caucus Sherrod Brown urged Home Minister L.K.Advani to consult the Kashmir Task Force (KTF) while resolving the “unfortunate situation”.

In a letter to Advani last week, Brown noted the deteriorating condition of the Pandits, their forced exodus by terrorists trained outside India’s borders and decried the harsh living conditions in the make-shift camps set up for them.

Significantly, Brown cited Jeevan Zutshi, president of the Kashmir Task Force, and described him as a “person of honor and unparalleled in his commitment to defend the well-being of Kashmiri Pandits.”

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